This was a dog found by a Good Sam… “I made flyers of this lost dog who is called ‘Wrinkles’ and my husband started posting them in Pet Supply Stores within a 2 miles radius and saw that there was a post for a lost dog Identical to our picture post so my husband called me and told me about it and I asked him to bring me the flyer that the family posted. I then called and talked to Wrinkles dad and asked him to identify specific markings the no one else would know and he did then I asked him his address and said I would bring the dog to him to meet me outside so I could see Wrinkles reaction and as soon as Wrinkles saw the little girl I knew. He offered me a reward and I refused it but asked him to please use that reward to get Wrinkles Microchipped and neutered also he said he would. I told him next time he may not be the blessed to get him back should he get out. Wrinkles dug under the fence and got out… by the time I spotted him it he was about three miles away from home maybe more and had crossed a multitude of busy intersections. Thank you Jackie for everything you do!!”