WE NEED TO PASS House Bill 4029
We can’t quite understand it. Why would a common-sense piece of legislation that would require animal shelters to scan all dogs and cats on intake and notify owners be opposed by an animal shelter organization such as the Illinois Animal Welfare Federation?
We can’t figure it out. This Illinois Animal Welfare Act pretty much mirrors the Illinois Animal Control Act, which already requires animal controls to scan all dogs and cats for microchips and notify owners.
510 ILCS 5/10, http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs3.asp?ActID=1704&ChapterID=41 Impoundment, redemption for animal control
So why shouldn’t shelters be required to make every attempt to find the owner before placing the animal in another home or facility or euthanizing?
Here’s the new legislation:
See 225 ILCS 605/3.10 new http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/fulltext.asp?DocName=&SessionId=88&GA=99&DocTypeId=HB&DocNum=4029&GAID=13&LegID=90246&SpecSess=&Session=
Seems pretty straightforward. We believe that every facility that shelters animals should seek to verify ownership, even for “owner surrenders” because we can easily imagine scenarios where a disgruntled neighbor, angry ex-spouse or someone who finds an animal could take it to a shelter to relinquish it
This only makes common sense to verify ownership at the initial intake before transferring, adopting or euthanasia. This also allows the opportunity for a family to claim their animal.
During the committee hearing process, the Committee accepts Witness Slips to enter your support of the bill. So please take the few minutes to register per the instructions and send in your electronic witness slip for support. Instructions to register.
Then register your support for the bill through the Illinois General Assembly website.
- On the General Assembly’s homepage, click on “GA Dashboard”
- Click on “House” in the left hand menu
- Click on “Committees”
- Scroll down to “Executive Committee”
- Click on the gavel icon on the right hand side of the screen to “View committee hearings.”
- Click on “View Legislation” box, on the right
- Scroll down to HB4029 and click on the “Create Witness Slip” icon, on the far right
- Fill out your witness slip and be sure to check “proponent” and “Record of Appearance Only”
The Executive Committee meets this Monday, April 20 at 4:00 pm to consider this bill.
Please register your support by 4:00 on Monday, April 20.
The bill’s sponsors are: Deborah Conroy and Silvana Taberes
Members of the Executive Committee are:
Chairperson: Daniel J. Burke
Robert Rita
Chad Hays
Edward J. Acevedo
Luis Arroyo
Greg Harris
Eddie Lee Jackson, Sr.
Joe Sosnowski
Ed Sullivan