On Thursday, August 4th, Susan, Lost Dogs Illinois’s (LDI) Director, received an email from Arthur H., City of Chicago Animal Care and Control (CACC) shelter manager, asking if LDI would help with a dead end chip. Art included the kennel card and the results of CACC’s own search.
Susan posted the search request on the Microchip Hunters group asking for help. The chip was a 900 chip and can be very hard to research. On a whim Susan decided to Google the microchip. An ad for the basset came up on a website. She tried contacting the website with no results.
On Friday, Susan decided to post an alert to LDI Fans about this found basset hound with a “dead end” chip. Within an hour, we read a comment from Jenn, LDI Fan, had reached a contact on the website. The website contact was calling the breeder. The breeder called back with the pet store phone number. Jenn called the pet store and got the owner’s name.
Jenn contacted Susan with the owner’s name and phone number. Immediately Susan called the owner who just that day arrived home from vacation and did not know Buster was missing. The relative who was taking care of Buster had not informed her that Buster had gone missing on 8/1. An Oh Oh moment!
Susan called CACC’s Director, Susan R, to inform her that Buster’s family was coming to the shelter to claim their dog. By the time Susan got to the desk, the relative was there claiming the dog and had all necessary paperwork.
Buster did not need a new home; he needed to go home. Thank you, Art, for contacting LDI to help in the research of the chip. Thank you, Jenn, for becoming part of a community to help Buster get home.
LDI/LDOA does provide a service to help in the search of dead end chips and tags. To learn more……click on this link Microchip Hunters