Take a look at our stats!
398 dead-end microchip cases/rabies tags were submitted! We contacted 223 owners, about their dogs or cats, and personally helped to reunite 141 dogs and cats in 2019!

Take a look at our stats!
398 dead-end microchip cases/rabies tags were submitted! We contacted 223 owners, about their dogs or cats, and personally helped to reunite 141 dogs and cats in 2019!
Lost Dogs Illinois has been helping Chicago Animal Care & Control (CACC) with dead end microchips, microchips that no long have current contact information. CACC staff do the best they can, but It is sometimes impossible to find an owner using the available information and given time constraints. However, Lost Dogs Illinois has volunteers who can dedicate hours to tracing disconnected phone numbers and researching online to find relatives of the owner. Sometimes this all comes together in a way that brings tears to your eyes.
A sweet old senior Boxer recently ended up at CACC. The microchip was not registered, but information showed the dog had been adopted out by Anti-Cruelty and they had owner information. It turned out the two owners had split and the girlfriend kept the dog. We reached the boyfriend. He discussed it with his ex and they decided their dog would be better off with him. Needless to say that senior Boxer is now safe at home. The Boxer did not need a home, the Boxer needed to go home! If you would like to learn sleuthing skills to get lost dogs home or if you know a shelter who would like this free service, contact this page.
BTW – the boxer’s name is Zoey!