Lizzie’s story as told by her owner…..
My dog was gone for 5 days and authorities still took money from me even though they never had her.

Lizzie before she went missing.
Last Wednesday-Around 2:40 – I let my 2 dogs outside in our backyard to go to the bathroom before I went to work. The gate was closed and there was nothing to worry about.
At 2:43 – I went out to see if they were done and the front gate was slightly open. I freaked out and went to the yard to find our familyâs oldest dog there but my other dog was missing. I went inside to get my little brother and he walked around the neighborhood while I drove around. We didnât see her anywhere. We thought she would be where we usually goes on walks but we couldnât find her in any yard and nobody had seen her.
At 2:53 – I called my mom. She told me to go to work and my brother and dad would find her. I was stressing out and I could barely work without crying my eyes out.
At 5:30, -my boss let me go on a 2 1/2 lunch to see if I could find her because my dad and brother werenât able to yet. I knew that they looked on every block in Broadview.  So I decided to head to Broadview Police station and give them my dogâs information. I then went home and called the microchip company to report her missing and to make sure all my contact information is correct because she didnât have a collar on since she was going to take a bath that day. I then went to go search Maywood since we live 2 blocks away.
Around 6:50 – I was driving down 10th avenue in Maywood when I saw a group of men. I asked if they had seen a black dog and they said they saw a dog that was black with brown stripes walking down 10th. I called my dad and started going block to block to see if I could find her. I didnât have any luck and I got nervous and wondered if she went on the highway. I checked the other side of the highway and saw two Cook County sheriff officers. I told them what happened and if they received a call for a dog. They told me that they donât receive those calls, but if Maywood finds her they have a scanner so she would be brought home the same day if they scanned her.
At 7:14, – I registered her on after my mom gave me the website.
At 7:32 – I called my dad and told him my progress and he said that they will go and search Maywood. I went back to work
At 10:38 – I messaged Lost Dogs Illinois and told them what happened. They said to fill out the sheet, which I did and her post went on their page. I finished work at midnight and I still didnât have my little girl.
Thursday- 11:30 – I started my extreme search to all shelters around the neighborhood. My first call was to Animal Care League in Oak Park. They stated that they receive dogs from River Forest, Oak Park, Forest Park, and North Riverside so if she went in those areas they would have her. I gave the lady my information and Lizzies chip number and hoped she would be found. They told me to call the police stations to see where they brought dogs if they were lost. Broadview and Maywood takes their found dogs to Broadview Animal Hospital.
At 11:43 -I called Broadview Animal Hospital. They said they never received my dog but if she was found, they have a microchip scanner and I would be called.
At 2:51 – I called the Forest Park police station before work. They said they never received a dog but if they did they would take the dog to Animal Care League.
At 2:53, I called Melrose Park Police and they stated that the only dog they have is a small brown male dog. I gave them Lizzieâs information
On my lunch break at 7:00, I drove around Maywood and to see if anyone else saw her and no one did. Went to bed around midnight without Lizzie girl
Friday-At 8:00 am – I went on a walk through Maywood and these two men told me to call Maywood Animal Control. I tried and couldnât get a hold of them.
At 11:42 – I called The Code Enforcement Department and the lady at the front desk named Karyn said that she would have animal control call me back because he was in court.
At 2:00 – everyone was telling me to call them back so I did and no one was answering. I then called 8 times from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and never had anyone answer.
At 4:00 – I told my dad that we needed to go to the village hall because I didnât feel right and no one was calling me. We arrived around 4:17 and the lady at the front desk yelled at the animal control man for not calling me after she gave him my number to update me. He showed me a picture of Lizzie and asked if it was my dog and I said YES! And he went to the radio to ask if the dog is at the Broadview Animal Hospital and the man said that there is a pitbull at the hospital not a retriever and the man looked confused and asked again if that was my dog and I said yes and she is not a pitbull. âTrust me I have a pitbull at home.â He then told me I had to fill out release papers and pay a 65 dollar fee for 2 days that she was in the Hospital. He stated that a family found her on 7th avenue on the 1900 block and she let 4 little kids surround her and pet her. I filled the paperwork out, paid the cashier and my dad and I went to the animal hospital.
At 4:53 – we arrived and no one was there. We called the number and nobody picked up so we called back to the code enforcement (which close at 5) at 4:54 and no one picked up so I had to wait another day to go pick up Lizzie.
Saturday -The day we finally thought we were going to have her. I worked 7-4 that day, but I asked my manager if I could take an early lunch to pick her up at 9:00 when it opens and he allowed me. My parents and I arrived at 9:04. They opened at 9:00 and no one was there. The lights were on so we thought someone had to be there. I called them 8 times, then I called the village hall which was closed.
A man finally came in and made me fill out paperwork for 30 minutes and he went to the back to get the dog. He brought out a small black dog and a pitbull. Neither were my dog. We showed him a picture and he stated that he never seen that dog and he doesnât know âwhy the hell they made you payâ. He instructed us to go to the police department to see what happened and we went over there. The dispatch said they have nothing to do with this and we would have to wait for animal control to go back to work on Monday.
I had to go back to work, so my parents dropped me off and went back. The man showed them the intake records they keep and no dog was received from the location they told me. He told my parents that Maywood has sent multiple families there searching for dogs that has never been there but this is the only time that he has ever seen someone pay for a dog that they didnât have. They went to Animal Care League and looked at the dogs and didnât see her.
At 2:57 – I called North Riverside police and they never caught a dog.
At 3:02 – I called Berwyn police and they also had not seen or gotten a call about a dog.
The rest of the day we were watching the Facebook pages hoping someone would see her and driving around the neighborhoods to try and get a glimpse of her. We had a close family friend print out flyers that someone made for us and we posted them on the poles of the street she was found and put a flyer of each of the houses mailbox or door hoping someone would call to tell us what happened.
The man at the Broadview Animal Hospital called the cops, which said that an Officer named Guzman answered the call for Lizzie. Someone on Facebook found his number. We called and left a message. Many people emailed other officials including the mayor of Maywood. No one received a message back. My mom went to the police station to talk to a Sgt. Fairley and he said that it is not his problem.
Many people were sharing and giving advice (which we thank) and we had my friends and others posting on news channels such as WGN, ABC, FOX, and NBC. My mom even emailed those said news stations to see if they can help
We started to run out of options. We contacted media, posted on Facebook, talked to unwilling police officers in Maywood and the only thing we had left was to go to the village hall to demand my dog back as well as my money
A few people told us to look at the Bellwood shed to see if she was there and we decided to go over there. The only dog they had was a pitbull who was very excited to see us.
The rest of the day I planned out what I was going to say because I wanted to be as calm as I could be to receive my dog without any problems.
Monday at 8:30 – my dad and I went to the village hall. Everyone looked at us confused as to why we were there. I looked an officer in the face and said âmy dog was not at the animal hospital.â He went to the back and asked what happened.  He came over to me and stated that she was not taken to the animal hospital. The front desk lady said âOh yea! Guzman, you couldnât take the dog right? Because you didnât have the truckâ In which he replied that he was instructed to leave the dog.
The officers went to the house where they left her at with my dad and my dad showed the family the flyer that was on their door and they were saying âOh yea thatâs the dog we found.â They gave her away to someone in Melrose Park because they have 2 small dogs.
I was told I would receive a phone call which I did at 9:34 a.m. which was from the family that originally found the dog. They said they called code enforcement 3 times and no one answered so he told me the manâs number and said that the man gets off at 5 so we could get the dog then
I went to the code enforcement to get my refund and they stated that they were going to the manâs house at 5:30 to get the dog and that they would bring her home
I went again at 11:00 to see what was going on with my refund and they said it would come on Friday. I asked if I could go with to get my dog because I didnât trust them and they said they donât allow people to meet because something could go wrong. (This doesnât make sense because they asked if we wanted to go with to the family that had her and gave us their address). A man pulled me in his office and apologized and stated that someone should have picked up Lizzie and dropped her off at the animal hospital. He said he had a meeting with everyone to see what happened but didnât give me any details.
At 5:00 – I received a call from a teenager stating that we needed to meet earlier because they have other things to do then watch over a dog and to pay up because they took care of the dog.
Right after, I called the Maywood police and they stated that it is not their problem because it now involves Melrose Park police. I told them that it actually does involve them because it was their code enforcement that screwed up in the first place and they were the ones picking her up. He said that he canât help and thereâs nothing he can do.
I received a call from the code enforcement at 5:30 and they said they had the dog outside. I went out and Lizzie was finally home.
At 9:14, I received a call from the man that pulled me in his office and he wanted to make sure his employees dropped my dog off.
Lizzie is now back at home and so happy. We appreciate everyone that posted about her and helped us along the way because it kept me sane. What Maywood did  not go unnoticed and I hope that this doesnât happen to another family. Thank you so much and hug your fur babies a little tighter tonight because you never know what can happen.

Lizzie is HOME!
From Lost Dogs Illinois…..
Many long time fans and supporters have read our numerous blogs about how dysfunctional the system is in Cook County.
To refresh your memories, here they are the blogs:
Where Oh Where Could My Lost Dog Be Held In Cook County.
Part 2 – Where Oh Where Could My Lost Dog Be Held in Cook County
Inspector General Report – Cook County Animal and Rabies Control
Browser Come Home – Why Lost Pets Stay Lost in Cook County – Chicago Tribune Editorial Board
Action Alert – Cook County Animal and Rabies Control
Follow-up – Cook County Commissioners Budget Meeting – November 3, 2015
Follow -up on LDI’s meeting with the Mayor’s staff and Cook County’s President’s staff
Knowledge is POWER!  YOUR Taxes and Fees pay the government officials and employees. What the government seems to forget that these are loved family members and they should be doing everything possible to reunite âfoundâ dogs with their owners.